Bucket-List 29 Jul 2023 Leonardo da Vinci’s – Mona Lisa While Visiting Paris, this week, I finally had a chance to see the 500 year old painting “the Mona Lisa”… Danijel Slisko
Business, Lifestyle 27 Jul 2023 The REAL Secret to Success Throughout my life, I have always felt that I had a fairly clear plan of what success means to me.… Danijel Slisko
Uncategorized 15 Jul 2023 FRAUD PREVENTION STARTS WITH KNOWLEDGE As a victim of cybercrime myself, I'm well aware of the fight against fraud and cyber criminals. I have experienced… Danijel Slisko
Uncategorized 04 Jul 2023 Don’t chase your Dreams – Fill your life! As a visionary, it was very hard for me to live in the moment. I could see so many opportunities… Danijel Slisko