Discovering the Power of Three Environments

Have you ever heard of the saying, You are the product of your environment.

In 2017, as I reached a milestone at midlife, I began questioning the meaning of existence and felt overwhelmed by the hectic pace of my life. Running a multi-million dollar business while trying to find time for my personal life took its toll, leading to what psychologists call adjustment disorder. I questioned my values and sought connection with new ones. This journey took me to a dark place of self-pity and depression. Thankfully, I turned to the internet for solace. Through reading and studying the feelings I experienced, I hoped to find answers. Along the way, I encountered numerous entertaining subjects that provided little real insight. That is until I stumbled upon Jacque Fresco.

Jacque’s work as a psychological consultant intrigued me. He had traveled the world, studying different cultures and exploring what sets humans apart. One aspect that fascinated me was his involvement with white supremacist organizations. Jacque joined groups like the Ku Klux Klan and White Citizens Council in an attempt to challenge their views on racial discrimination. He also worked extensively with troubled youth and successfully guided them towards positive change. By immersing himself in their world and understanding their values, he influenced them gradually, ultimately helping them turn their lives around.
One story that stood out involved a troubled youth who would build homemade weapons, resulting in trouble with authorities. Jacque challenged him by criticizing his skills and daring him to make something better. Through earning the young man’s trust and recognizing his strengths, Jacque redirected his focus towards studying engineering and finding a meaningful path in society. Jacque’s work proved to me that our environment greatly influences who we become. He was an accomplished individual with unconventional ideas about the future. He especially enjoyed watching American comedian George Carlin, known for satirizing social conventions.

In summary, Jacque Fresco’s experiences shed light on the power of the environments you are in, the company you keep, influence and the potential for positive change in our lives.

There was a moment that hit me like a ton of bricks. Jacque Fresco opened my eyes and made me realize that I, too, am a product of my environment. I became aware of how people around me influence who I am and how they try to define my identity based on their perceptions, achievements, values, beliefs, and influences.

Discovering the Power of three Environments Through my research and newfound knowledge, I discovered that there are actually three environments in which we live. The first environment is within ourselves, represented by the little voice in our heads that we engage with every day. This is an environment over which we have complete control and where we make all the choices. When we are truly honest with ourselves, we uncover our true values, beliefs, blind spots, and the aspects of ourselves that we may hide from others. You might discover that you’re a racketeer. You have personal activities going on in the public eye, but you have things going on in the background where you are covering up or creating a faults front. If your really good at this, you wouldn’t even realize you’re are doing it.

If we find ourselves unhappy with certain aspects of our lives, it’s important to revert back to environment number one and take a deep look at what’s happening. As you may discover when you’re on this journey, when we’re feeling down about a situation, we can’t rely on someone else to fix it for us. We need to take responsibility for improving our own well-being.

By focusing on ourselves and truly mastering environment number one, we can attain everything we desire and find the satisfaction we seek. I promise you that this approach will lead to personal fulfillment and success. You can’t give someone else a pill to make yourself feel better. You need to take the medicine in order to get the results from it. Focusing on yourself, crafting and mastering the environment where you can get the satisfaction and desire.

Environment number two is your life! It’s the people in your life!

This is where it gets sporty. The people in your life are navigating the same things you are. These individuals are also on their own personal journeys, seeking to present themselves well to look good, belong, to fit in, connect with like-minded peers, and find inspiration from others who can elevate their lives and help them achieve their ambitions. Someone to look up to, someone to chase.

In environment number two, we find fulfillment and achievement in various aspects of life such as building a successful career, attaining financial freedom, nurturing our health, fostering meaningful relationships, finding a life partner for romance, pursuing hobbies and adventures, continuously learning and self-improving, being present with our families, and actively engaging in our communities.

The fascinating aspect of environment number two is that you can’t control others; you can only influence them, with the hope of nurturing positive relationships. While it may be tempting to avoid or invalidate certain things, doing so could come at the expense of losing love. So, the question arises: would you rather prioritize being in control or being right, or would you prefer to be loved?

It’s time to take charge and exert a positive influence on the people in your life, fostering a sense of mutual satisfaction in this realm of your existence. So step up and influence the people in your life, to engage with the people in your life.

Environment number three – the entire world.

Imagine the world as a crowded elevator. We’ve all experienced the discomfort of trying to strike up conversations with strangers in this confined space. Whether it’s the uncomfortable glances or the closed-off demeanors, it’s clear that most people are too preoccupied or uninterested to engage.

In this analogy, we can draw an important lesson. Just like in a crowded elevator, most interactions are fleeting. People enter our lives for a moment, only to exit on a different floor when the doors of the elevator opens, never to be seen again. So, it becomes unnecessary to worry about gaining recognition or validation from the world at large.

However, if you’re brave enough to try like the exceptional individuals throughout history who have dared to challenge the status quo and make a lasting impact. The likes of JFK, Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and countless others wielded their positions of influence to bring about significant change.

Let us be inspired by these brave individuals as we venture forth in our own journeys. Instead of seeking validation from those who are too consumed by their own lives, let us focus on making a positive impact wherever we can. Mother Teresa said it best, Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.

As I bring my story to a close, I want to leave you with some important reflections. During challenging times when you’re feeling down, frustrated, or out of sorts, start by looking inward. Take a moment to assess yourself and take stock of who you are. Consider what improvements can be made within yourself, for true wisdom lies in mastering oneself.

Once you feel you have gained a better understanding of yourself, turn your attention to the people in your life. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and inspire you, aligning with the person you aspire to become. Remember, there is no need to strive for legendary status like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., unless you have first conquered the first two environments.

Only once you have found balance within yourself and have built a supportive network that encourages personal growth, can you contemplate taking on a grand life mission of changing the world.

Let us always remember the importance of self-improvement, choosing our company wisely, and reserving the quest for global impact for those moments when we are truly ready.

Wishing you purpose and fulfillment,

Your Friend

Danijel Slisko

Dictated to all the fantastic legends that have left wisdom behind through their writing and speaking lectures. Thank you.