October 21, 2023 Danijel Slisko

CanIT conference experience

Great place to collaborate, learn and meet new industry partners. I had such a blast!

I recently attended the 1st annual CanIT conference in Banff, Alberta, Canada, and it was a collaborative, warm, and informative experience. The panel discussion featuring Shawn Freeman, Juan Fernandez, and Scott Gallupe, seasoned veterans of the managed service IT world, was particularly powerful. They shared valuable insights into their success.

After the conference, I connected with Juan Fernandez from Superops to gain further perspective. Juan emphasized the importance of building something that allows people to grow into new roles, challenges themselves, and “grow into their skin.” He discussed his decision to sell his previous company when he felt it was running smoothly without him, creating space for his employees to grow. Juan also highlighted the need for transparency within the industry and shared information to promote growth.

During our conversation, Juan discussed the impact of the pandemic on the MSP industry and the increased demand for their services as businesses transition online. He emphasized the value of removing noise within a company to focus on delivering true value to customers. Juan also touched on the significance of cloud services and how they introduced new opportunities for education within the industry.

Juan advised having a clear plan, anticipating expenses, understanding one’s value, and providing outcome-based services to succeed. He encouraged asking the right questions and offering solutions rather than simply selling products or services. Self-reflection and embracing uncertainty were important factors he highlighted.

Knowing one’s value proposition and avoiding negotiations were crucial aspects of finalizing projects with customers, according to Juan. Understanding the right type of customer and fostering employee success were also key for long-term partnerships. It is important to have a clear process for success and demonstrate it to potential clients.

Juan’s LinkedIn profile can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-fernandez2?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app  and you can reach him at juan.fernandez@superops.ai for further information.

Thank you Juan for your perspectives and sharing your experiences. Looking forward to our next meeting. 

Check out https://www.canitcon.ca for more information on this amazing conference!


See you all in Kelowna, BC, Canada next year!

Your friend,

Danijel Slisko