December 31, 2019 Danijel Slisko

Let me be the first to wish you all happy New Year 2020,

Rosina Slisko NYE Party 2020

I just want to start the evening by thanking our host, Rosina, for all you do for all of us. I don’t know how we would put this event together without your attention to detail and hard work!

I’m so glad I didn’t chicken out all those years ago and made my moves on the most popular mean girl from high school. Our relationship and our family are my biggest achievements and accomplishments in my life.

I love you, Sexy Pants.

We have been putting together this NYE event for the last 10 years, and it means a lot to have you all here sharing this moment with us. It’s an opportunity to bring as many of our loved ones together under one roof. Thank you for coming to celebrate the new year with us.

New Year’s for me is a time for reflection. Have I achieved everything I want to achieve? Am I getting closer to the ideal person I want to be? Have I helped as many people as I can?

I want to share with you all a small secret to my success.

I write everything down. I define my future success! Then I do the most magical thing: I take action! I try to dream big, as my neighbour and close friend John Nicoletti would say. I explore all the opportunities out there for me and the people around me to pursue.

I then define what I want. I actually write them down on paper. From there, I focus on the top things that must happen to achieve my success for the year.

The action part is me playing out the music that I march to. We all hear a different tune, and we all must march to the music we hear.”

We all have some music playing, and we all have a personal mission in our lives. We all show up here with a purpose. And too many of us are afraid to listen to that music and march to it.

We will never be offered life advice on a silver platter, brought to us as we wait for a miracle to happen.

We have been given two eyes in order to notice and see. Only if we open them enough, we might have a chance to see all the opportunities that life gives us. We all can choose to see in our experiences a lesson or even a hint of what we need to do next in order to create the life we want.

How grateful are you now for what you have experienced this past year?

If you are here, dealing with thoughts about how things went this past year in your life, then you are lucky!

We have been offered the privilege to keep walking on this earth, to wander around and explore ways of creating more, discovering more, learning more, and serving more.

What do you want to do next? It’s 2020.

What are your ambitions for this new year?

How do you see yourself living in the next 12 months?

As some of you may know, I’m not a stranger to death. I’ve lost close friends and family. This always makes me think.

“Let’s say you were offered only one more year to live. No matter what treatment you have been given, you are granted one more year of life.”

What would you do in these last 12 months of your life?

How would you treat the people around you?

What words would you use in your conversations?

What books would you read? What places would you go to?

“What would you do?”

Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed to any of us. We don’t know how much time we all have left together. We are gifted with life, but it has limits. We are offered opportunities, but they are not endless. We receive years of life, but none of us knows for sure how many are left with us.

Why not make this New Year the best one yet!

Who knows

what it could be? Maybe you just want to travel and see the world… Maybe you want to get into a relationship with someone, but you’ve been afraid to… Maybe it is that business you always wanted to start, but you’ve been hesitating… Whatever it is, whoever you are, whatever that music is… However distant that sound may be… However strange, however weird others may interpret it to be,

“Don’t die with your music still in you.”

I know what my music is. It’s playing right now as I share and deliver this message to you all…

My music is here, helping people to be great, raising my kids, creating the most magical environment for my relationship with my wife, Rosina aka Sexy Pants, running my businesses, taking care of and serving people around me, owning my happiness, love, and joy, pursuing my freedom and adventures, sharing my truths, beliefs, and bringing all my loved ones together.

I fail, and I try again. I fail, then adjust, and I try again. I don’t quit! I keep going until I achieve my successful mission, playing out the music I march to until I’m worn out.

So I will ask you one last time, what would you do with the last 12 months of your life?

Last thing and my second favor:

The last few years, I’ve tried to live every day with a small goal to make a friend a day.

I need everyone to try to help me. So when you are up and about or in line for a drink and staring at a familiar face or an unfamiliar one… Smile and introduce yourself.

There are so many interesting individuals within the room tonight, and you all have something in common. You all were personally invited to this party. So start from there.

You never know who you might meet!

Have fun. Thanks for listening to me rant off! Love you all.